Emergency Repatriation



Volunteers from a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Washington, DC are working in South Sudan promoting clean water initiatives when hostilities between government and rebel forces flare in Juba. The team is stranded and unable to get any commercial flights back to the US.


1st party coverage

Sub-limited cover:

  • Emergency repatriation & evacuation costs

3rd Party coverage

Judgments, settlements & defense costs

Crisis Consultant costs


Emergency Repatriation means the evacuation of one or more insured person(s), or, in the event of death and disablement, their remains, from the country where the insured person(s) is employed or visiting (but is not a national of), to the nearest safe location or to their resident country as a result of an evacuation advisory. For the purpose of this policy emergency repatriation is deemed to include loss(es) and/or claim(s) caused by natural catastrophe.



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